Friday, January 15, 2010

Stupid Boi's First Week in Bloomington, Indiana

Well this has been a week. I have moved to Bloomington, and apparently the world is coming to an end. I am currently borrowing internet from various locations. I have to set up my internet connection for my apartment. Until then I will post from various locations.

I want to talk about a couple of things in this post. First off, I have only 4 channels. All of which is PBS. I have the IU version of PBS, then PBS Create, PBS World and V (A Spanish channel). This has given me a new found appreciation for Public Broadcasting; if you have never watch check it out. (Sesame Street comes on at like 8 ish)

This city is full of one way streets. I have to drive down one street passed my apartment then turn and then turn again to get home. This is a hassle. I start work on Monday at 7:30 am, which is the day of my orientation. I have only met a few people that I will be working with. I love the idea of my new job and so I know that I will love the position.

So on to more important world events. Let me take a moment to talk about Haiti. What a tragedy. I hope that the world powers do what they are planning to do. I have to applaud President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton for their prompt response. It is my belief that to be a “World Power”, we must also be benevolent to those in need.

Since I only have limited access to the media, I have not had much exposure. I did watch Charlie Rose this evening on PBS World. He really did a great job putting things in perspective for me. Anderson Cooper was reporting from Haiti and talked about the devastation and how difficult it was to get supplies to those who need it. Rose also had a member of “Doctor’s Without Borders” and “Unicef”, both of which had stated that they had been in Haiti for a while providing services prior to the earthquake.

They both made some great points. Both of the organization’s buildings and facilities have been destroyed. The one thing that really stuck out for me was the lady from Unicef said that it is important to make sure that they have the funding to protect the children who are lost or orphaned by the earthquake. People will take advantage of this and “traffic” these children into slavery or sex trade. If you have the resources please help these people. The most important things we can do is offer them unrestricted funds to care for whatever they need.

On to something closer to home… Apparently on January 13, 2010 “The Observer” a newspaper from the University of Notre Dame ran a cartoon that was incredibly offensive. The language was something along the lines of “How do you turn a fruit into a vegetable? A Baseball Bat.” Hello! I know ND’s stance on GLBTQ issues but that went toooooooooooooooo Far. Tonight a friend called me to tell me that apparently the original punch-line was “AIDS”. I don’t know how accurate that is…BUT FOR REAL? So much for HIGHER EDUCATION. I cannot believe as a Gay man that this is still going on. Calling for Violence against the GLBTQ community is so un-Catholic. I feel like I left South Bend and not even a week later ND acted a hot mess. Don’t make me come up there!

Other then that life is wonderful. I hope you all have a great weekend…I am gonna try! New City, same old Stupid Boi….let’s see what happens!

Stupid Boi

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